영어 알아듣기 썸네일형 리스트형 You shouldn't drink so much on a weeknight. You shouldn't drink so much on a weeknight. 주중에 술을 너무 많이 마시면 안돼요! A ; You look pail. Didn't you get enough sleep last night? (얼굴이 안좋아 보이네, 어젯밤에 제대로 못 잤어?) B ; Well, I went out drinking with my friend last night. (어제 밤엔 나가서 친구들과 한잔 했거든.) A ; Oh, Yeah? Did you do anything exciting? (오, 그래? .. 더보기 A week will fly past in a wink. A week will fly past in a wink. 일주일은 눈 깜짝할 사이에 지나갈 겁니다. A ; Hey, you look concerned. What's the problem? 걱정스러운 얼굴인데, 무슨 일이야? B ; I've been assigned to give the sales forecast presentation, but I'm not fully prepared yet.(영업 전망에 대해 보고하라는 지시를 받았는데 아직 준비를 제대로 못했거든. A ; Oh tha.. 더보기 What's your secret? What's your secret? 비결이 뭐야? A ; Did you finish the weekly report? I always have trouble finding something by subject. (이번 주 보고서 작성은 끝낸 거야? 난 어떤 과제로 부터 뭔가를 끌어낸다는게 항상 어렵더라구.) B ; Well, I'm just finishing it up now. (어..난 지금 막 다했어.) A ; Wow, you must have a real knack for writing reports! So tell me.. 더보기 Can I get a refund? Can I get a refund? 환불 할수 있을꺄요? Customer ; Excuse me, I'd like to see the manager, please. Clerk ; May I ask why? You seem upset. Customer ; Well, I'd like to return this bracelet and get a refund. Clerk ; What seems to be the problem with it? Customer ; I've got a strange rash on my wrist after wearing this bracelet. Clerk ; It sounds like you have an allergic to nickel. It hap.. 더보기 He has a short fuse. He has a short fuse. 그는 쉽게 화를 잘 내요. A ; You look so angry, What's going on between you and your boss? 너 정말 화난것 같다. 너랑 네 상사 사이에 도대체 무슨 일이 있었던 거지? B ; I'm so mad, I could screan, He's being so unreasonable. 정말 열받아 돌아가시겠다. 어찌나 막무가네인지. A ; What happened? 무슨 일이야? B ; He keeps a.. 더보기 Could you wrap it up for me? Could you wrap it up for me? 포장을 좀 해 주시겠습니까? A ; Hi, how may I help you? (안녕하세요? 무엇을 도와드릴까요?) B ; Well, yeah. I'm looking for a gift for my father. (아버지께 드릴 선물을 고르는 중인데요.) A ; Doing your lunar New Year's Day shopping? How about getting your father a new wallet? (구정선물을 고르고 계신가 보군요? 아.. 더보기 Don't bring me into this. Don't bring me into this. 난 몰라, 알아서 해. A ; Jack still owes me money. (Jack이 아직도 내 돈을 다 안 갚았어.) B ; He owes everybody money. I think you'd better just forget about it. (갠 돈 안 빌린 사람이 없다니까. 그냥 잊고 사는 게 속 편할 거다) A ; No, I'm going to bring it up the next time I see him. (안돼. 다음 번에 만나면 꼭 애기해.. 더보기 This is the last straw! This is the last straw! 이번이 마지막이야! A ; You're fifteen minutes late! (자네 15분이나 늦었어!) B ; I'm sorry. I was caught in trafic. 죄송합니다. 차가 막혀서 말입니다. A ; You've been late twice this week already. 이번주에만 벌써 두번째야. B ; But you've got to believe me, There was a serious accident on the free way and it was blocking two left thr.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ··· 27 다음