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He's totally gutless. He's totally gutless. 원래 "내장" 을 의미하는 "guts"는 상징적으로 우리 말의 배짱과 비슷한 의미로 자주 사용 됩니다. A ; What's wrong with Billy? B ; He wants to take a day off this week and hasn;t told the boss yet. A ; A day off---. That's good. Why hasn't he? B ; You know him, He has no guts to go talk to the boss. A ; That's so like him. He's totally gutless.. 더보기
She really is a trip. She really is a trip. 그여자는 점말 신기한 사람이야. " To be a trip" 은 정신이 어디로 가서 (여행가서) 없는 상태가 된 것이므로, 뭔가 정상적이지 않은 행동을 가리 키는 표현 입니다. A ; Did you hear that Sue yelled at me? B ; Why did she do that? A ; Because I gave her some advice about how to study for the test. B ; That's weird. A ; She rea.. 더보기
Every now and then Every now and then 때때로 (가끔) "지금" 을 뜻하는 now 와 "이후" 를 뜻하는 then 을 합쳐 사용하면 "때때로" 라는 의미가 됩니다. A ; Do you want to buy my bird? B ; Well, tell me the price first. A ; Ten dollars, It's a real catch. B ; Oh, wow, it is! A ; If you don't want it to fly away clip its wings every now and then. B ; Okay, then I'll take it. A ; 새 한.. 더보기
Let me sweeten the offer. Let me sweeten the offer. 더 좋은 제안을 할게. 상대에게 조건을 더 유리하게 해 주려고 할때 사용하는 표현이다. A ; I don't want to sell you my car. B ; Yes, you do. A ; Not for 3.000.000 won. B ; OK. Let me sweeten the offer. I'll do your dishes for a month. A ; Money is the issue. B ; How much more do you want? A ; 너에게 내 차를 팔고 싶지 않아. B ; .. 더보기
That's your call. That's your call. 너 좋을대로 해. "call" 에는 여러가지 의미가 있습니다. 오늘은 명령 요구 등의 뜻으로 쓰이는 경우를 살펴봅니다. A ; I'm starving. Aren't you? B ; I'm hungry too. We've got to have something. A ; How does pizza sound? B ; Great. A ; With extra cheese and enchovies. B ; That's your call. A ; 난 배고픈데, 넌? B ; 나도 배고파.뭐 .. 더보기
Whatever you say. Whatever you say. 네 말대로 해야겠지. "무엇이든지" 라는 의미의 whatever 는 적극적이라기 보다는 수동적인 동의를 하는 경우에 주로 쓰입니다. A ; How many college applications are you filling out? B ; At least fifteen, I guess. A ; That will cost your parents a fortune. B ; With my poor grades I have no other options. A ; Whatever you say. B ; You'd do .. 더보기
Never have Never have 전혀 그런 일 없어 조동사로 쓰인 have 는 과거부터 현재까지 전혀 그런 경험이 없다는 뜻 입니다. A ; Would you steal bread out of hunger? B ; It depends. A ; What do you mean? B ; When you're penniless and hungry, You never know what will happen. A ; Makes sense, but I've never stolen anything when I was hungry. B ; I'm sure you never have, but never s.. 더보기
I'm telling you. I'm telling you. 정말 이라니까. A ; How's it going with Ken? B ; Not very well. I think he likes someone else, not me. A ; No way. Everyone knows Ken has a huge interest in you. B ; Maybe he did. but now, I can't feel anything between us. I'm telling you. It's not gonna happen. A ; Oh, that's too bad. I thought you guys would be perfect together. A ; 켄과는 잘 돼가? B ; 별로야. .. 더보기