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Do you want to fill them today? Do you want to fill them today? 오늘 (충치를)때우실 건가요? "충치(cavity)를 때우다" 는 썩은 곳을 파내고 금이나 은 등으로 채워 넣기에 fill 동사를 씁니다. 건강한 치아 보존을 위해선 floss (치실)를 효과적으로 사룡하고 regular checkup (정기검사)을 통해 적절한 치료를 받아야 합니다. - conversation - A ; It looks like .. 더보기
run a few errands run a few errands 몇 가지 볼일을 보다. 미국인들의 대표적인 erand (볼일 )는 Dropping something off (세탈소에 옷을 맡기는 일).Picking up something (물건 찿아 오는 일) 등이 있읍니다. 바쁜 생활 중에 꼭 해야할 일들을 잊어버리지 않기 위해 "To Do List" (해야 할 일을 적어 놓은 목록) 를 만들기도 합니다. - conversation - .. 더보기
I screwed up (on) this project. I screwed up (on) this project. 제가 이 프로젝트를 망쳐 놓았어요. screw up (on) 은 "망치다" 는 뜻 입니다. A ; How is the project going? B ; I screwed up on this project . I got it all my wrong. A ; You knew it was due on Monday And you said you could handle it. I don't have the patience to clean up this mess for the third time. You let me down... 더보기
This kills Saturday This kills Saturday 이 일 때문에 토요일은 안 되겠어요. - conversation - A ; We have to attend to Amy's baby shower sometime this week. When shall we make it? B ; Tomorrow won't work. How about Friday? A ; I have an appointment at the hairdresser's in the afternoon so I can't make it. B ; I can't make it either because I'm having facial injections. This kills Saturday. A ; You mean.. 더보기
take some time apart take some time apart 떨어져 있는 시간 (냉각기)을 가지다 A ; You don't seem yourself recently, is there anything wrong? B ; Eric and I decided to take sometime apart. We might get divorced. A ; How come? I thought of you two as a perfect couple. B : I don't think we are meant to be together but there has to be someone out there just perfect for me. A ; Sorry to hear that. A ; 요.. 더보기
be fed up with ~ be fed up with ~ ~ 에 질지다 (= be tired of, get sick of, be bored with ) - conversationn - A ; I got stuck working late. I'm fed up with working at this firm. I can't keep my eyes open any longer. B ; Did you stay up last night? Take a nap! A ; I can't, I've got to get this done within 3 days and attend the conference meeting. B ; Don't stress out. I can handle your work if you want me to .. 더보기
Everyone has a skeleton in his closet. Everyone has a skeleton in his closet. 털어서 먼지 안 나는 사람 없다. 겉으론 청렴 결백한 척해도 자기 스스로만 알고 있는, 숨기고 싶은 것이 있을 것입니다.그런 사실이 밝혀졌을 때 자기 정당화 또는 스 스로를 자위하기 위해 쓰는 표현 입니다. - conversation - A ; Michael Bang has said that he is running for Congress. B ; Re.. 더보기
Who are you rooting for? Who are you rooting for? 어느편을 응원 하니? "~ 을 응원 한다" 는 말로 root for 를 씁니다. 속어로는 egg on 을 쓰기도 합니다. - conversation - A ; Who are you rooting for? You seem to be egging both teams on. B ; That's exactly what i'm doing. A ; Why? B ; Because neither is my hometown team. A ; Oh, I see. What is your hometown team? B ; New York Yankees. A ; 너 .. 더보기