영어 썸네일형 리스트형 Could you wrap it up for me? Could you wrap it up for me? 포장을 좀 해 주시겠습니까? A ; Hi, how may I help you? (안녕하세요? 무엇을 도와드릴까요?) B ; Well, yeah. I'm looking for a gift for my father. (아버지께 드릴 선물을 고르는 중인데요.) A ; Doing your lunar New Year's Day shopping? How about getting your father a new wallet? (구정선물을 고르고 계신가 보군요? 아.. 더보기 Don't bring me into this. Don't bring me into this. 난 몰라, 알아서 해. A ; Jack still owes me money. (Jack이 아직도 내 돈을 다 안 갚았어.) B ; He owes everybody money. I think you'd better just forget about it. (갠 돈 안 빌린 사람이 없다니까. 그냥 잊고 사는 게 속 편할 거다) A ; No, I'm going to bring it up the next time I see him. (안돼. 다음 번에 만나면 꼭 애기해.. 더보기 This is the last straw! This is the last straw! 이번이 마지막이야! A ; You're fifteen minutes late! (자네 15분이나 늦었어!) B ; I'm sorry. I was caught in trafic. 죄송합니다. 차가 막혀서 말입니다. A ; You've been late twice this week already. 이번주에만 벌써 두번째야. B ; But you've got to believe me, There was a serious accident on the free way and it was blocking two left thr.. 더보기 He is in between jobs. He is in between jobs. 그는 취업준비 중이야. 어떤사람이 직업을 가지지 않은 상태를 가리키는 말입니다. "He is out of job" 이나 "He is unemployed"라는 말도 있습니다. 반대로 두개 이상의 직업을 가지고 있는 사람은 "He is moonlighting" 이라고 합니다. -conversation- A ; Mike! Did you hear about Brian? He finally got the job at an elect.. 더보기 Please keep your fingers crossed for me. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. 나에게 행운을 빌어줘. "keep my fingers crossed." 는 손가락을 서로 엇갈린다는 말로 행운을 빈다는 뜻으로 쓰입니다.비슷한 뜻으로는 "Please wish me a good luck." 이 있읍니다. - Conversation- A ; Jane,What's the matter with you? You look nervous. B ; I have a job interview today, and you know this is my very fir.. 더보기 She called in sick. She called in sick. 그녀가 아파서 못 온다고 전화 했어요. 아파서 병상에 누어있다는 말에는 여러가지가 있는데, "She is sick in bed" 나 "She is on a sick bed" 가 자주 쓰입니다. A ; Hi! jack Do you know where Shally is? She is supposed to take over my duty today but I can't find her. B ; I heard that she called in sick today, She came down with flu. A ; O.. 더보기 I was so touched. I was so touched. 나 너무 감동받았어. 오늘은 touch 에 대해 배워봅시다. " 손대다. 만지다" 란 기본적 의미에서 출발해 "영향이나 감동을 주다" 의 의미로도 자주 사용됨니다. 동사 "move" 역시 "마음을 움직여 감동을 주다" 는 의미로 쓰입니다. ▧ conversation ▨ A ; Did you read the story on today's newspaper? B ; What story?.. 더보기 I need to let off steam somehow. I need to let off steam somehow. 어떻게든 스트레스를 풀어야해요. A ; Look at your shirts! It;s all wet. Did you play basketball today? B ; Yes, I played for about two hours. A ; You know what, son? If you spent as much time studying as you did playing basketball, you'd be a great professor by now. B ; I know, mom, but I need to let off steam somehow. A ; What's pressing you so har.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 다음