영어 알아듣기 썸네일형 리스트형 He rocks in history. He rocks in history. 그사람은 역사에 대해 정말 잘 안다. rock은 흔든다는 의미입니다. 그런데 영어에서 무엇 무엇을 rock 한다고 하면, 그것을 매우 잘한다는 뜻이 됩니다. 독특한 표현이니 잘 기억해 두십시오. A ; I hear Bert is good at history. B ; He's the best. A ; How did he get so good? B ; The guy is a book worm. A ; I bet He has.. 더보기 Smooth Sailing. Smooth Sailing. 순조롭게 진행되고 있다. 생각했던 일들이 순조롭게 풀려갈때 쓰는 표현이다. A ; Did you get your train tickets home yet? B ; No, not yet. Did you? A ; I had to get up at 4:00 a,m, to get two. B ; Do you know whether they are sold out yet? A ; You should call the ticketing office right away. B ; Holiday travellers never have smooth sailing in Korea A ;.. 더보기 She is giving you a little stink eye, She is giving you a little stink eye, 그 여자가 너를 뚫어지게 노려보고 있어. 하와이에서 주로 사용되는 말입니다. 눈에서 냄새 가 날 만큼 사람을 노려본다는 뜻입니다. A ; I think that woman over there is mad. B ; She is giving you a little stink eye, isn't she? A ; You noticed. B ; It's obvious. A ; I spilled my drink on her. B ; I'd be giving you.. 더보기 I'm bowing out. I'm bowing out. 난 빠질래. 우리가 몸을 뺄때 허리를 구부리는 것처럼 계획에 함께 참여하지 않고 빠진다는 뜻이다. A ; Hey, you guys wanna go to a movie Friday night? I can get some free tickets. B ; I'd love to. I haven't been to a moive in a couple of months. A ; What about you, Sandra? B ; Well---, if you guys don't mind, I'm bowing out. I've got a date. A ;.. 더보기 To get rid of him. To get rid of him. 그를 빼버리다. Rid 는 ~을 제하다. 면제하다. 라는 뜻이며 흔히 숙어로 사용됩니다. A ; Our team is in deep trouble. B ; But this team has no lack of talents. A ; Right. What we lack is not talents, but team chemistry. B ; I agree. We must play as a unit, as a team. A ; We need team players, not a superstar. B ; We'll get rid of anyone who's not play.. 더보기 Never saw it coming Never saw it coming 그일이 닥쳐올줄 전혀 몰랐다 전혀 상상하지 못했던 일이 생겼을 때 사용하는 말이다. A ; Another NASA space shuttle broke apart in midair. B ; I saw the news hootage last night. A ; Does NASA have any smoking gun yet? B ; Not that I'm aware of. A ; I'm sure those seven crew members never saw it coming. B ; Neither did their families. A ; 또 다.. 더보기 Have you been working out? Have you been working out? 요즘 운동해? " work out " 은 운동하다란 뜻 입니다. 일상에서 자주 사용되는 표현입니다. A ; Hey, Long time. B ; Hey, such pleasure to see you. A ; Wow---. You look amazing. Have you been working out? B ; Yeah. It's been a couple of months. A ; Good for you. You look greater than ever. A ; 안녕, 오랜만이야. B ; 안년, 정말 반갑.. 더보기 Set /Written in stone Set /Written in stone 필수 사항 십계명이 돌에 새겨져 있어 임의로 수정될수 없는 것처럼 변경이 불가능한 필수 사항이라는 뜻이다. A ; Do I need to write the optional essay? B ; I think that you should. A ; But it says optional. B ; I know, but all the other people will write it. A ; Really? B ; It's not set in stone, but you should because if you don't, y.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ··· 27 다음