영어 알아듣기/영어회화 썸네일형 리스트형 set into jitters set into jitters 초조해 지다 위 표현에서 set into 외에도 give the 또는 have the 를 사용하기도 합니다. - conversation - A ; What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost. B ; I know. I'm just setting into my preflight jitters. A ; Here. Have a drink. It'll help you relax. B ; No. The last time I took your advise. I spent the entire flight wrapping the barf bag around m.. 더보기 It cost a pretty penny. It cost a pretty penny. 돈이 꽤나 많이 들었어. prnny 는 푼돈, 동전 등을 의미하지만 pretty 와 만나면 꽤 많은 돈을 가리킵니다. - conversation - A ; So are you having a good time? B ; Definitely. It's such a wonderful house -warming party. A ; Thank you. I'm so glad you made it. B ; It's so gorgeous. It must have cost a lot to renovate it. huh? A ; yeah, it cost .. 더보기 I was in such a rush. I was in such a rush. 나 정말 급했어. 매우 급하고 바쁜 삼태에 있다는 표현느로 to be busy 라는 말과 함께 자주 사용 됩니다. - conversation - A ; What happened? You look terrible. B ; I know. I was in such a rush and had no time to take a shower this moring. A ; Did you oversleep? B ; Yeah, A friend of mine dropped by last night and we drank like fish all night... 더보기 day in, (and ) day out day in, (and ) day out 날이면 날마다 위 표현 외에도 '날이면 날마다' 혹은 '매일 매일'을 의미하는 표현으로는 day after day 가 있습니다. - conversation - A ; I really tried to keep it to myself, but I've had it. B ; Huh? What are you talking about, John? A ; I'm sick of having the same stuff day in, day out for dinner. B ; Where did this come from? You never .. 더보기 be listed on --- be listed on --- ---에 상장돼 있는 '상장사' 는 listed company라고 하며, '상장돼 있다' 는 be listed on 또는 be traded on 이라고 합니다. - conversation - A ; Can you tell me a little about NTECH? B ; We're one of the leading manufacturers of personal computers in Korea. A ; Is NTECH a listed company? B ; Yes. We're currerntly listed on KOSDAQ. A ; How many employees do.. 더보기 To go/sell like hot cakes To go/sell like hot cakes 날개 돚친 듯 팔리다 어떤 상품이 아주 짧은 시간 안에 매우 많이 팔리는 것을 강조할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. - conversation - A ; What a headache! We're in a big trouble now. B ; What's going on? A ; You know the newly launched pocket computer of our competitor? It's going like hot cakes now. B ;Does the newspaper say so? A ; Yes. We'd .. 더보기 To spread like wildfire To spread like wildfire 순식간에 번지다 산불이 번지듯 말이나 수문 등이 삽시간에 널리 퍼지는 것을 가리킵니다. - conversatkln - A ; Kelly. did you tell anybody that I'm going out with Peter? B ; Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It was a slip of the tongue. A ; How could you do that? I asked you to keep it to yourself. B ; I'm terribly sorry. But I only told Sus.. 더보기 The symptoms won't go away. The symptoms won't go away. 증상이 나아지지 않는다. A ; How is your blood pressure? B ; I'm getting much better.The diet I'm on is doing wonders for it. A ; If you stick to the diet, you can stop taking the medication in another few weeks. B ; That's good to hear. I will keep in my mind whatever you tell me to do. A ; But if the symptoms do't go away after three weeks, come back. A ; .. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 21 다음