Professor - Liberal Arts Salaries
View Professor - Liberal Arts Hourly Wages
Alternate Job Titles: College Professor - Liberal Arts, Professor - Liberal Arts, University Professor - Liberal Arts
- How much does a Professor - Liberal Arts make? The median annual Professor - Liberal Arts salary is $88,385, as of November 28, 2017, with a range usually between $70,839-$140,011, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors. Our team of Certified Compensation Professionals has analyzed survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at companies of all sizes and industries to present this range of annual salaries for people with the job title Professor - Liberal Arts in the United States.
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This chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Professor - Liberal Arts in the United States that make less than that annual salary. For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Professor - Liberal Arts in the United States is $88,385, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Professor - Liberal Arts in the United States are expected to make less than $88,385.
Source: HR Reported data as of November 28, 2017
- This chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Professor - Liberal Arts that make less than that salary. For example 50% of the people who perform the job of Professor - Liberal Arts are expected to make less than the median.
Source: HR Reported data as of December 2017
- Teaches courses in the discipline area of liberal arts. Develops and designs curriculum plans to foster student learning, stimulate class discussions, and ensures student engagement. Provides tutoring and academic counseling to students, maintains classes related records, and assesses student coursework. Collaborates and supports colleagues regarding research interests and co-curricular activities. Typically reports to a department head. Requires a PhD or terminal degree appropriate to the field. Has considerable experience and is qualified to teach at undergraduate and graduate levels and initiates research and case studies in field of interest and may publish findings in trade journals or textbooks. Provides intellectual leadership and has made significant contributions to the field. May offer independent study opportunities and mentoring to students. Typically this individual is a leader in the field and has been published. View full job description
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