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That's it. That's it. 바로 그거야. 일상 생활에서 바라던 그 무언가를 찾았을 때 기뻐하면서 하는 표현이다. A ; Come on. Let's brainstorm for more ideas. B ; We should try something radically new. A ; Like what? B ; Like inviting children to join our discussion group. A ; So we may get a completely different perspective---- B ; That's it. A ; 자 힘내고, 다른 아이디.. 더보기
I'm still getting my feet wet. I'm still getting my feet wet. 아직 배우는 중이야. 우리말에서도 어떤 새로운 일을 시작할때 "발을 담그다" 란 표현을 쓰죠. 영어에서도 마찬가지랍니다. A ; How's your new job going? Is it fun? B ; So far so good. I feel I'm in the right place now. A ; Good for you! B ; Yeah, but I don;t exactly know what my jop is about. I'm still getting my feet wet. .. 더보기
Here's the thing. Here's the thing. 사실은 말야. 뭔가 꺼내기 힘든 말을 시작 할때 서두에서 쓰는 말 입니다. A ; Hey, did you think about what I said yesterday? B ; Yeah, kind of. A ; So, are you in? B ; Well, here's the thing. A ; Oh, no! I hate the thing. What? You're not going to work with me? B ; I'm awfully sorry, but I really can't afford it. A ; 이봐, 어제 내가 한 말에 .. 더보기
Murder Murder 어려운 일 이 단어에는 살인 이라는 뜻이 있지만, 매우 어려운 일을 지칭 하기도 합니다. 또 어떤 일이 아주 힘겹게 이뤄 졌다는 의미도 있읍니다. A ; I can't believe that I didn't get an A on that test. B ; You usually do, don't? A ; Every time except this one. B ; The test must have been murder. A ; It sure was. B ; Just do better next tim.. 더보기
He has one foot in the grave. He has one foot in the grave. 그는 매우 위독 하다. "한발을 무덤에 넣고 있다." 이 표현은 매우 위독한 상태를 가리킵니다. A ; Have you seen Kavin today? I can't find him anywhere. B ; Haven't you heard.? He rushed back home last night. A ; What happened? B ; His dad has been in the I C U (Intensive Care Unit) and kavin got a call yesterday that his father has one.. 더보기
Bitter Pills to Swallow. Bitter Pills to Swallow. 안좋은 소식을 감수해야 한다. "swallow" 는 ~ 을 삼키다. 란 의미이다. A ; What's this controversy over the project? B ; It's all about profit. A ; Are they saying that we may be going into the red? B ; Unless we take some dramatic measures. A ; What do they want us to do? B ; It may be bitter pills to swallow, but we might have to trim our pays. A ; .. 더보기
Let's bury the hatchet. Let's bury the hatchet. 문제를 해결 하자. 오랜 옛날 싸움할 때 주된 무기였던 도끼를 땅에 묻자는 겻이니, 결국 문제를 해결하자는 의미가 됩니다. A ; I hope that you're not too mad that I yelled at you the other day. B ; I'm still mad at you. A ; You know I didn't mean it. B ; I don't care if you meant it or not. A ; Come on, Let's bury the hatchet. B .. 더보기
Are you insane? Are you insane? 너 제정신이야? 상대가 전혀 이치에 맞지 않는 이야기를 할때 쓰는 표현 입니다. A ; Oh, gosh. My boss is getting on my case again. B ; Again? Why is he doing that? A ; I don't know, he's been picking me the whole week. B ; Something must be wrong. Why don't you go talk to him. A ; What? Go talk to him? Are you insane? I don't wanna see his face. B ; It.. 더보기