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She's as ugly as sin. 카플란의 SMART ENGLISH She's as ugly as sin. 그녀는 진짜 못생겼어. ▨ Conversation ▨ A; Did you see the new secretary yet? B; No, I didn't. Why do you ask? Is she hot? A; Not quite, you might say that she has a really nice personality. B; So, she's ugly. A; That's an understatement. She's as ugly as sin. B; You're bad! A; 새로 온 비서를 봤어? B; 아니, 왜 물어봐? .. 더보기
Are you following me? 카플란의SMART ENGLISH Are you following me? 무슨 말인지 알겠어? A; You shouldn't make this kind of mistake again. How many times do I have to tell you not to put these files here. These files are suppose to be confidential. B; I'm very sorry. I must be out of mind. A; Okay, but remember. This is my last okay. If you screw up again like this. You'll be very, very sorry. Are you follo.. 더보기
It's working! June's Speak Easy It's working! 작동 하는군요! A; What's the matter? B; This CD in my computer is not working. I can't hear sound. A; Did you try the earphone? B; No, but why? Hum, let me try. but Wow. It's working, how did you know? A; Well, double click the speaker icon in the taskbar, check your cd audio volume in the mixer. Maybe It's set to very low or muted. A; 왜 그래? B; 내 .. 더보기
You have a point there 우보현의 Section English You have a point there. 당신 말에도 일리는 있습니다. point는 명사형으로 ‘점, 목표, 요점’ 등의 뜻이 있고, 동사형으로는 ‘지적하다. 지시하다. 가리키다’란 의미가 있다. point 라는 단어를 적절히 사용하면 자연스러운 영어 구사가 가능해진다. “I can't pin-point it." 이라고 하면, ”.. 더보기
You can't have things go your way all the time. 카플란의SMART ENGLISH You can't have things go your way all the time. 세상일이 네가 원하는 데로만 될 수는 없어. 인생의 당연한 이치지만 받아들이기는 쉽지 않은 말이네요. 여기서way는 도로, 길이란 의미에서 좀 더 발전해 인생의 여정을 뜻하고 있습니다. ▨ Conversation ▧ A; Dad promised to take me shopping after midterms. B;.. 더보기
American Society of Anesthesiologists' (ASA) grades The American Society of Anesthesiologists' (ASA) grades5 Grade Status Absolute Mortality (%) I A normal healthy patient. The process for which the operation is being performed is localised and causes no systemic upset. 0.1 II Mild systemic disease. All patients older than 80 years are put in this category. 0.2 III Severe systemic disease. This from any cause that imposes a definite functional l.. 더보기
Applying to Pharmacy School https://career.berkeley.edu/health/pharmapp.stm Applying to Pharmacy School Schools of Pharmacy Contact Information Applying to Pharmacy School Testing/PCAT Admission Criteria Entering Class Statistics of California Pharmacy Schools Schools of Pharmacy Contact Information You can see a list of Pharmacy Schools in the US that are accredited by Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE),.. 더보기
구매력 기준 1인당 GDP… 韓(22위) 3만286달러, 日(21위) 3828달러 [오늘의 세상] 구매력 기준 1인당 GDP… 韓(22위) 3만286달러, 日(21위) 3만3828달러 일본 도쿄의 택시 기본요금은 710엔이다. 우리 돈으로 환산하면 1만원(9660원)에 가깝다. 서울 택시 기본요금(2400원)의 네 배가 넘는다. 도쿄의 이발 요금(3000~4000엔)도 4만원이 훨씬 넘어 우리나라의 네 배를 웃돈다. 이처럼 같.. 더보기