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She called in sick. She called in sick. 그녀가 아파서 못 온다고 전화 했어요. 아파서 병상에 누어있다는 말에는 여러가지가 있는데, "She is sick in bed" 나 "She is on a sick bed" 가 자주 쓰입니다. A ; Hi! jack Do you know where Shally is? She is supposed to take over my duty today but I can't find her. B ; I heard that she called in sick today, She came down with flu. A ; O.. 더보기
I was so touched. I was so touched. 나 너무 감동받았어. 오늘은 touch 에 대해 배워봅시다. " 손대다. 만지다" 란 기본적 의미에서 출발해 "영향이나 감동을 주다" 의 의미로도 자주 사용됨니다. 동사 "move" 역시 "마음을 움직여 감동을 주다" 는 의미로 쓰입니다. ▧ conversation ▨ A ; Did you read the story on today's newspaper? B ; What story?.. 더보기
I need to let off steam somehow. I need to let off steam somehow. 어떻게든 스트레스를 풀어야해요. A ; Look at your shirts! It;s all wet. Did you play basketball today? B ; Yes, I played for about two hours. A ; You know what, son? If you spent as much time studying as you did playing basketball, you'd be a great professor by now. B ; I know, mom, but I need to let off steam somehow. A ; What's pressing you so har.. 더보기
Please be my guest today. Please be my guest today. 오늘은 내가 살게. A ; It was such a nice dinner. Was it okay with you? B ; Definitely. It was wonderful. All these Mexican dishes are delicious. A ; So glad to hear that. Anyway, I'm buying today. B ; No way! It's my turn. A ; I'll get it. You gave me a hand with my presentation last week. Please be my guest today. A ; 참 맛있게 먹었다. 맛이 괜찮았.. 더보기
 I'd like to book a room. I'd like to book a room. 방을 예약 하고 싶은데요. book 단어는 책이나 명단에 기록하다라는 뜻으로 "예약하다" 는 뜻으로 쓰입니다. A ; Holbourn Hotel. How may I help you? B ; I'd like to book a room for June 1 throuth 5. Is there any room available? A ; For how many people, sir? B ; Just 1 person. A ; Yes, we have one. The rate is $120 plus tax per night , si.. 더보기
He is cut out to be a doctor. He is cut out to be a doctor. 그는 의사에 딱 적격이야. cut은 '베다.자르다.중단하다.'란 기본적인 의미에 전치사나 부사가 결합해 다양하게 쓰입니다. 한 예로 'cut out' 은 '제격이다. 딱 적절하다' 란 의미 로 사용됩니다. A ; Did you hear that Paul got accepted to a medical school? He's getting a scholarship too. B ; Great! I knew he'd .. 더보기
Medical School Statistics (UC Berkeley) https://career.berkeley.edu/MedStats/MedStats.stm UC Berkeley and National Acceptance Rates Cal Graduates 2002-2009 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Applicants 119 88 117 120 136 138 114 118 Accepted 66 47 68 71 89 92 72 78 Acceptance Rate 55% 53% 58% 59% 62% 67% 63% 66% Each year includes December, May and August graduates (e.g., 2006 includes 12/05, 5/06, and 8/06 graduates). UC Berkel.. 더보기
영양섭취 권고사항 영양섭취 권고사항 1. 식이 지방 지방질은 일반적으로 동물성과 식물성으로 나누지만, 물리화학적 성질에 따라 고체지방(포화지방)과 액체지방(불포화지방)으로도 분류합니다. 흔히 동물성 지방은 고체지방, 식물성 지방은 액체지방이라고 생각하지만 식물성 지방 중에도 포화도가 높은 팜유나 코코.. 더보기