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연봉 1억, 한국과 일본 어느 쪽이 더 많을까 [왕개미연구소]


연봉 1억, 한국과 일본 어느 쪽이 더 많을까 [왕개미연구소]

韓 억대 연봉 112만명, 5년새 두 배로
점점 더 심해지는 직장인 소득 양극화


입력 2023.02.17

한국은 일본과의 경제 격차를 계속 좁혀왔다. 산업화가 빨랐던 일본은 1990년대 버블 붕괴 이후 ‘잃어버린 30년’이란 표현처럼 고군분투했고, 그 동안 한국 경제 위상은 부쩍 높아졌다. 급기야 작년 말 싱크탱크인 일본경제연구센터는 2023년 한국이 일본의 1인당 국내총생산(GDP)을 추월할 것이라는 보고서까지 발표했다. 그렇다면 양국의 월급통장은 지금 어떤 상황일까.


👉관련 기사는 조선닷컴에서 여기(日연구소 “올해 대만, 내년 한국이 일본 1인당 GDP 추월”)를 클릭하세요.

한국에서 고액 연봉자라고 하면 ‘1억’을 떠올리는 듯, 일본에서는 ‘1000만엔(약 9645만원)’이 기준이 된다. 연소득 1000만엔은 일본 직장인에겐 꿈의 숫자이고, 드라마에서도 어느 정도 성공한 직장인으로 묘사된다.


그렇다면 연소득 1000만엔은 ‘월급통장 피라미드’에서 어느 위치에 있을까. 일본 국세청이 펴낸 ‘민간급여실태통계조사’에 따르면, 지난 2021년 기준 일본의 급여소득자는 총 5270만명이다. 이 중 연소득 1000만엔 이상인 사람은 총 258만4000명으로, 전체 근로자 중 4.9%를 차지했다.


일본은 지난 30여년간 직장인 월급이 거의 오르지 않은 지지부진한 상태다. 일본 전체 근로자 10명 중 8명은 연봉이 600만엔 이하였다. 연소득이 100만엔(964만원) 이하인 사람은 425만명으로, 전체 근로자의 8.1%에 달했다.


🍧일본 고소득자의 고충, ‘보편복지 제외’

연소득 1000만엔 직장인은 ‘월급통장 피라미드’ 꼭짓점에 위치해 있지만 나름대로 고충도 있다. 고액 월급이라는 이유만으로 정부가 제공하는 여러 제도의 혜택을 받지 못하기 때문이다. 최근 3040세대 직장인 사이에서 논란이 되는 것은 ‘아동수당’이다.


아동수당은 일본 정부가 아이를 키우는 가정에 지급하는 복지 혜택이다. 3세 미만이면 매달 1만5000엔(14만5000원)이고 3세부터 중학생까지는 매달 1만엔(9만6500원)을 받을 수 있다. 아이 앞으로 약 200만엔(1930만원, 셋째부터는 250만엔) 어치 정부 지원을 받을 수 있는 것이다.


하지만 4인 가족 기준 부부 중 어느 한 명의 소득이 960만엔을 넘으면 5000엔으로 감액된다. 또 남편이나 아내 중 어느 한 쪽의 소득이 1200만엔을 넘으면 정부 지원을 한 푼도 받지 못한다.


💎더 부유하고, 더 가난한 ‘한국의 월급쟁이’

한국은 어떨까. 국세청이 발표한 2021년 기준 근로소득자 수는 모두 1996만명이다. 이 중 근로소득이 1억원이 넘은 사람은 112만3000명으로 집계됐다. 전체 근로자의 5.6%다. 일본(4.9%)과 비교하면 높은 편이다.

반면 연소득이 1000만원 이하인 사람은 300만명으로, 전체의 15%를 차지했다. 일본(8.1%)과 비교하면 역시 높다. 이렇게 놓고 보면, 한국에는 일본보다 부자인 월급쟁이도 많고, 더 가난한 월급쟁이 비율도 높은 셈이다. 즉 월급쟁이의 소득 양극화가 일본보다 더 심하게 나타나고 있다.


심영철 웰시안닷컴 대표는 “한국은 금융권 등을 중심으로 한 셀프 연봉 인상, 반도체·전기차 등 핫한 업종의 성과급 잔치, 벤처기업 스톡옵션 대박, 노조 압박 등이 겹쳐져서 일본보다 월급통장의 부익부 빈익빈 현상이 더 뚜렷하고 앞으로도 심해질 것으로 보인다”고 말했다.



🚩최후의 승자, ‘통통한 먹잇감’ 찾는 국세청?

한국에서 억대 연봉자 수가 역대급으로 늘어나면서 최종 위너는 ‘정부’가 될 것이라는 말도 나온다. 그만큼 세금(소득세 최고세율 49.5%)을 더 많이 거둘 수 있어서다.


우리나라 억대 연봉자는 매년 신기록을 경신 중이다. 지난 2016년에 60만명을 돌파하더니 2018년엔 80만명을 넘어섰고, 2021년 기준으로는 112만명을 웃돌았다. 지난해 기업 실적이 좋아서 임금과 성과급 등이 늘었기 때문에 억대 연봉자는 더 증가했을 것이 확실시된다.


연봉 1억인 외벌이 가족(4인)의 실수령액은 월 680만원 정도다. 억대 연봉자인 A씨는 “억대 연봉이라고 해도 세금으로 많이 뜯기니까 전혀 실감이 안 난다”라면서 “버는 사람, 생색 내는 사람이 따로 있다”고 말했다. 억대 연봉자 B씨도 “밤낮으로 야근하며 일해서 억대 연봉자가 되었지만 정부 입장에서 보면 살이 통통하게 붙은 좋은 먹잇감”이라며 “내가 노력한 만큼 착취당하는 느낌이 든다”고 말했다.


또 다른 금융권 억대 연봉자 C씨는 “억대 연봉을 받아도 국민연금, 건보료 등으로 30% 넘게 뜯겨서 방어가 안 된다”며 “너무 많이 뜯기니 차라리 일을 덜 하고 월급도 덜 받는 게 낫다는 생각까지 들 정도”라고 말했다. 반면 40대 직장인 D씨는 “억대 연봉은 직장인의 자존심인데, 정부가 세금으로 왕창 뜯어가도 좋으니 언젠가는 최상위권에 들고 싶다”고 말했다.





By Jack Flynn  Jan. 18, 2023

Research Summary: The median income in the US is $44,225, but that doesn’t stop many Americans from pursuing more. Making over $100,000 per year is a common goal and is often considered one of the first stepping stones toward greater financial success.

But just how many Americans do reach that goal?

To find out more about how many people make over 100k per year, we’ve gathered essential facts and data. According to our extensive research:

  • 18% of individual Americans make over $100k per year.
  • 34.4% of US households make over $100k per year.
  • 37% of White Households make over $100k, compared to only 22% of Black households.
  • 9% more men earn $100k per year than women in the US.
  • Between 2017-2022, the share of US households making over $100k per year increased by 2.97%.


To find out more about earning $100k per year or more in the US, we’ve gathered some important general statistics about the topic. Consider the following:

  • Only 15.5% of Americans earn between $100,000 and $149,999 per year.
    Annual IncomeShare of Americans
    Less than $100k 65.6%
    $100k-$149.9k 15.5%
    $150k-$199.9k 8.3%
    $200k+ 10.3%
  • Although, this does make up the largest percentage of Americans who do make over $100k, which only 8.3% earning between $150,000-$199,999, and 10.3% earning over $200k.
  • 45% of Americans earning over $100k live paycheck-to-paycheck.
  • Despite the common belief that more money equates to more stability, many nearly half of all Americans making over $100k are struggling to pay the bills. In fact, the number of Americans earning over $100k who live paycheck-to-paycheck increased by seven percentage points between 2021-2022, from 38% to 45%.
  • 82% of Americans making over $100k per year say they need to make at least $200k per year to consider themselves rich.
  • By contrast, 56% of Americans believe that making $100k per year would make them rich, highlighting the difference in mindset between poorer and wealthier citizens.


There are some pretty significant disparities between men and women when it comes to income, and this trend is no different for $100k+ earners. To find out more, here are some insightful statistics our research uncovered:

  • 17% of all men earn over $100k per year, compared to only 8.4% of women.
  • Men are around 2x more likely to earn an income of $100k or more per year in the US in 2022. With 22,619 out of 131,389 men who were surveyed saying so, and only 11,639 out of 137,334 women saying so.
  • 53.5% more men working full-time earn $100k per year when compared to women.
  • When it comes to full-time work specifically, 28.4% of US men earn over $100k per year, compared to only 18.5% of US women.
  • San Jose, California, has the highest percentage of women earning $100k per year or more, at 34%.
  • Other cities will a high percentage of high-earning women include: San Francisco, California (31%), Washington, D.C. (27%), Stamford, Connecticut (25%), and Boston (21%).
  • The average woman earns 83% of what her male counterparts earn in 2022.
  • Per dollar, the average man gets paid 17 cents more than the average woman. That might not seem like a lot, but it can really add up over time. For instance, the average woman earns $80,000 less over the course of the same 40-year career.


Race is also a major factor to consider when shining a microscope on the question of how many Americans make over $100k per year. The fact is that many minority groups in the US are disadvantaged and disenfranchised, leading to income inequality between different races.

Of course, there are other factors that contribute to the complexity of income differences between demographics, but our research shows that:

  • 51% of Asian households make $100k or more per year.
    Annual IncomeShare of Asian Households
    $100k-$149.9k 17.7%
    $150k-$199.9k 12.2%
    $200k+ 21.1%
  • Asian households are disproportionately the highest earners in the US. 17.7% earn between $100,000 and $149,999, 12.2% earn between $150,000 and $199,999, and 21.1% earn $200,000 and above.
  • 37% of White households make $100k or more per year.
    Annual IncomeShare of White Households
    $100k-$149.9k 17.7%
    $150k-$199.9k 12.2%
    $200k+ 21.1%
  • White Americans make up the largest chunk of the general population, and just over a third of them make over $100k. More specifically, 16.6% earn between $100,000 and $149,999, 8.6% earn between $150,000 and $199,999, and 12.1% earn $200,000 and above.
  • 27% of Hispanic households make $100k or more per year.
    Annual IncomeShare of Hispanic Households
    $100k-$149.9k 14.3%
    $150k-$199.9k 5.9%
    $200k+ 6.8%
  • Hispanic households are far less likely to make $100k per year when compared to their White or Asian counterparts. 14.3% earn between $100,000 and $149,999, 5.9% earn between $150,000 and $199,999, and 6.8% earn $200,000 and above.
  • Only 22% of Black households make $100k or more per year.
    Annual IncomeShare of Black Households
    $100k-$149.9k 11.4%
    $150k-$199.9k 4.6%
    $200k+ 5.7%
  • Black households are by far the least likely to earn over $100k per year, with just 11.4% earning between $100,000 and $149,999, 4.6% earning between $150,000 and $199,999, and 5.7% earning $200,000 or more.
  • 68.2% more White households make over $100k than Black households.
  • 37% of White households make over $100k in the US, compared to only 22% of Black households. Additionally, 37% more White households make over $100k when compared to Hispanic households.
  • 18% of White working men make over $100k per year, compared to only 8% of Black working men.
  • White men are more than 2x as likely to be making $100k per year when compared to Black men, highlighting the disparity between the two groups.


When it comes to the share of who makes over $100k per year, there is also a huge disparity between younger and older Americans. More specifically, here are some interesting age-related trends:

  • Americans under 25 who make over $100k per year are in the top 1% of earners in their age group.
  • From age 18-24, only 1% of earners (7% altogether) earn $100k per year or more. This makes these age groups by far the lowest earners in the US.
  • Americans make the most income gains between 25 and 35.
  • Only 2% of 25-year-olds make over $100k per year, but this jumps to a considerable 12% by 35. That’s a whopping 500% increase in the share of people making $100k or more.
  • 21% of 66-year-olds make $100k per year or more.
  • Generally speaking, the older Americans get, the more money they make, with 20% or more of everyone 66+ making $100k per year or more.
AgeShare of Americans who make $100k or more
20 1%
25 2%
30 7%
35 12%
40 15%
45 16%
50 16%
55 18%
60 17%
65 18%
70 20%


Generally speaking, the number and percentage of Americans who make over $100k per year increase over time. This is caused by a variety of reasons, from inflation to job growth. Here are some interesting insights our research uncovered:

  • Between 2017-2022, the share of US households making over $100k per year increased by 2.97%.
  • Though the number of households making $100k or more dipped from 34.6% to 33.6% in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there has still been a slight increase within the past five years.
  • Between 1980 and 2022, the share of Americans earning $100k per year or more almost doubled.
    YearShare of Americans who make $100k or more
    1980 17.4%
    1985 20.0%
    1990 22.8%
    1995 24.2%
    2000 29.0%
    2005 27.8%
    2010 26.7%
    2015 29.6%
    2020 33.6%
  • In 1980, approximately 17.4% of Americans made $100k per year or more, but as of 2022, that percentage has reached 34.4%.
  • 96% of Americans earning $100k or more are concerned about inflation.
  • While a further 65% are “very concerned” about inflation. This has resulted in 46% of these high-earners cutting their spending in 2022.


  1. What is the median salary in the US?In this way, Americans are far more likely to earn less than $50k per year than they are to earn over $100k.
  2. The median salary in the US is $44,225 in 2022. The majority of Americans (54.98%) make $50k per year or less, while only 18% of individual Americans make $100k per year or more.
  3. What is a good salary?Overall though, the average weekly earnings in the US is just over $1,000, meaning that anything above that could be considered a good salary.
  4. A “good salary” is dependent on many factors, including the cost of living in your area, inflation, and more. For example, the average annual salary in Des Moines, Iowa, is $67,519, with a median home price of $183K. While on the other hand, the average salary might be higher in NYC, at $100,260, but the average real estate cost is also much higher, at $789K.
  5. Is $100k a year considered rich?However, 56% of Americans believe that making $100k per year would make them rich, meaning that most of the country considers someone with a six-figure salary to be rich.
  6. No, making $100k per year in the US is not considered rich; instead, it is generally considered upper-middle class. It could even be considered lower-middle class in some coastal cities.


In the US, 18% of individual Americans and 34.4% of households make $100k per year or more. This number has increased by 2.97% in the past five years and has nearly doubled since 1980.

However, that doesn’t mean all $100k+ earners are evenly spread. For instance, 9% more men earn $100k when compared to women, and 68.2% more White households earn $100k than Black households.

While it’s unclear whether or not these gaps will decrease in years to come, it’s essential to provide equal opportunities to all workers, so everyone has a chance to increase their earning potential.