영어 알아듣기/영어회화 썸네일형 리스트형 Lee Kun-hee, Who Built Samsung Into a Global Giant, Dies at 78 Lee Kun-hee, Who Built Samsung Into a Global Giant, Dies at 78 Mr. Lee was convicted — and pardoned — twice for white-collar crimes, in a sign of the ills in South Korea’s relationship with its business dynasties. Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung, arriving for questioning by prosecutors on tax-evasion charges in Seoul, South Korea, in 2008. Mr. Lee took the helm at Samsung Group in 1987.Cred.. 더보기 Splendor in the grass movie script https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=for-whom-the-bell-tolls Deanie, please. Bud, I'm afraid. Oh, Bud. Don't, Bud. No. We mustn't, Bud. No. No. Bud, don't be mad. I'd better take you home. We've had enough kissing for tonight. Has Bud left? Yes, Mom. There's wonderful news tonight. The Stamper Oil stocks, drink your milk, went up 14 points today. Thi.. 더보기 한국 영자신문 한국 영자신문: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www2/index.asp http://www.koreaherald.com/ http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/ http://english.chosun.com/ 더보기 미국인이 가장많이쓰는 500문장 더보기 미국인이 많이 쓰는 영어 문장 500선 더보기 Do you want to fill them today? Do you want to fill them today? 오늘 (충치를)때우실 건가요? "충치(cavity)를 때우다" 는 썩은 곳을 파내고 금이나 은 등으로 채워 넣기에 fill 동사를 씁니다. 건강한 치아 보존을 위해선 floss (치실)를 효과적으로 사룡하고 regular checkup (정기검사)을 통해 적절한 치료를 받아야 합니다. - conversation - A ; It looks like .. 더보기 run a few errands run a few errands 몇 가지 볼일을 보다. 미국인들의 대표적인 erand (볼일 )는 Dropping something off (세탈소에 옷을 맡기는 일).Picking up something (물건 찿아 오는 일) 등이 있읍니다. 바쁜 생활 중에 꼭 해야할 일들을 잊어버리지 않기 위해 "To Do List" (해야 할 일을 적어 놓은 목록) 를 만들기도 합니다. - conversation - .. 더보기 I screwed up (on) this project. I screwed up (on) this project. 제가 이 프로젝트를 망쳐 놓았어요. screw up (on) 은 "망치다" 는 뜻 입니다. A ; How is the project going? B ; I screwed up on this project . I got it all my wrong. A ; You knew it was due on Monday And you said you could handle it. I don't have the patience to clean up this mess for the third time. You let me down... 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 21 다음