영어 알아듣기/영어회화 썸네일형 리스트형 So Far, So Good So Far, So Good 지금까지는 괜찮아. 거리,시간 및 정도를 나타내는 far 의 용법을 익혀 보 겠습니다. A ; What time will you arrive? B ; Depends on traffic. A ; How's traffic? B ; So far, so good. A ; So you'll arrive here in about 30 minutes. B ; If nothing changes. A ; 몇시에 도착 할것 같아? B ; 교통량에 달렸지. A ; 교통량이 어떤데? B ; 지금.. 더보기 Is this camera loaded? Is this camera loaded? 이 카메라에 필름 들어 있어? "load"는 "짐을 싣다" 란 의미에서 출발해 총알을 장전 하거나 카메라에 필름을 넣을 때도 자주 사용되는 단어 입니다. A ; So are you all set? B ; Guess so. Oops, I almost forgot to bring my camera. A ; There you are. Is that camera loaded? B ; Probably. But let me make sure it is. A ; Is it? B ; N.. 더보기 I'm in the middle of cooking now. I'm in the middle of cooking now. 지금 한참 요리하는 중이야. "in the middle of" 를 사용하면 단순히 " I'm cooking 이라고 하는 것보다 "진행" 의 의미가 강해집니다. A ; Honey. How about dining out tonight? I've found a great Italian restaurant in our neighborhood. B ; That sounds nice but not today. A ; Why? You love Italian food, don't you? B ; Of course I do... 더보기 Let's grab a bite there. Let's grab a bite there. 저기서 간단하게 먹자. 바쁠때 간단히 해결하는 소량의 식사를 "bite" 라고합니다. A ; What time is it now? B ; It's 6:30 already. A ; I'm starving, Do you think we have a time to eat? B ; Well---, let's see. We have about ten minutes for a quick meal. A ; Good. I know a deli on the corner of this block. Let's grab a bite there. B ; Yeah, that s.. 더보기 He bought the farm. He bought the farm. 그가 죽었다. 여기서 farm 은 농장이 아니라 죽은 사람이 묻힐 땅을 뜻 합니다. A ; Did you hear Jack bought the farm yesterday? B ; He was so young! A ; Yeah, he was only thirty. B ; Poor guy, how did he buy it? A ; He got hit by a car. B ; I hope he didn't suffer. A ; 잭이 어제 죽었다는 말 들었니? B ; 굉장히 젊은데! A ; 그래, 서.. 더보기 That's it. That's it. 바로 그거야. 일상 생활에서 바라던 그 무언가를 찾았을 때 기뻐하면서 하는 표현이다. A ; Come on. Let's brainstorm for more ideas. B ; We should try something radically new. A ; Like what? B ; Like inviting children to join our discussion group. A ; So we may get a completely different perspective---- B ; That's it. A ; 자 힘내고, 다른 아이디.. 더보기 I'm still getting my feet wet. I'm still getting my feet wet. 아직 배우는 중이야. 우리말에서도 어떤 새로운 일을 시작할때 "발을 담그다" 란 표현을 쓰죠. 영어에서도 마찬가지랍니다. A ; How's your new job going? Is it fun? B ; So far so good. I feel I'm in the right place now. A ; Good for you! B ; Yeah, but I don;t exactly know what my jop is about. I'm still getting my feet wet. .. 더보기 Here's the thing. Here's the thing. 사실은 말야. 뭔가 꺼내기 힘든 말을 시작 할때 서두에서 쓰는 말 입니다. A ; Hey, did you think about what I said yesterday? B ; Yeah, kind of. A ; So, are you in? B ; Well, here's the thing. A ; Oh, no! I hate the thing. What? You're not going to work with me? B ; I'm awfully sorry, but I really can't afford it. A ; 이봐, 어제 내가 한 말에 .. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ··· 21 다음